Real estate shoppers have been sold on the concept of pre-qualifying their properties of interest via video for a long time now. But realtors have been slow to jump into the parade.
Many realtors avoid online video marketing either due to costs, time restraints or the belief that they lose out by not having that initial face-to-face with a prospective client.
It’s a tough market right now for real estate – you can’t avoid the news across the country about dropping values. Many realtors might be tightening their advertising budgets and real estate videos might be the first thing they think of as fluff or luxury expenses. On the contrary, now is a good time to get videos working – because a new wave of viewers are looking for something new and those archaic methods of olde just don’t work anymore.
Why Real Estate Video?
Because there’s a need for it, whether all realtors realize this or not! A real estate market exists, boom or bust. While there’s a downturn in sales this doesn’t mean people have stopped real estate marketing efforts or that people aren’t buying homes. It means the climate is perfect for a realtor seeking to establish a niche in online video marketing with video promotion and video advertising of real estate videos.