The Year of Mobile Responsive Design

The new normal But of course it didn’t pass and it wasn’t a fad. Mobile responsive design continues to charge forward stronger than ever. In fact, Mashable has called 2013 “The Year of Responsive Web Design.” Yet, for all its accolades — and despite the backing of...

The 90/20 Rule?

Many are familiar with the 80/20 Rule; it’s been applied to everything from wealth to work. It’s not uncommon to hear things like: “80 percent of the wealth is in the hands of 20 percent of the people;” or “80 percent of sales come from 20 percent of the...

The Different Types of Shots

Let’s begin with a quick rundown of basic shots and what they look like: LONG SHOT Generally speaking, a long shot will include the entire body of the subject or subjects. MEDIUM SHOT A medium shot will usually depict your subject anywhere from above the knees...

Pro vs Amateur Videographer

The basic building blocks are the same for every kind of video and there’s no getting around the fact that you’re going to need to understand them. It doesn’t take much to distinguish the knowledgeable videographer from “just some guy with a...